Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss your unique requirements, or are ready to explore our home-based health care services, please feel free to call 94888-00551. We are here to assist you and look forward to becoming a trusted partner in your healthcare journey.

Thank you for considering Tesla Medical Devices. We are honored to be of service and to bring the highest standard of care to your home.



Office :


Coimbatore :




Madurai & Trichy:

+91-94886-55088(Mr.Karthik Raja)


Salem & Erode:

+91-98944-06134(Mr.Mohan Sundaram)



1/6,Muthu nagar, Masakalipalayam, Coimbatore-641015.

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